Fraktion Discord Servers

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Titel: Am Rande des Abgrunds Die Welt lag in Trümmern, nach dem katastrophalen Zusammenbruch aller gesellschaftlichen Strukturen. Überlebende hatten sich in einer alten Schule versammelt, einem schützenden Ort, der zwischen zerfallenden Mauern und überwuchertem Gras fast verloren schien. Der Hunger und die ständige Bedrohung durch andere Überlebende prägten den Alltag. Die Zeit verging in einem eindringlichen Rhythmus aus wachsender Anspannung und fortwährenden Kämpfen. Immer wieder wurden sie von verschiedenen Gruppen angegriffen, die auf der Suche nach Nahrung und Wasser waren. Die Nächte waren von Angst durchzogen, während die Dunkelheit Geräusche von draußen brachte, die die Grenze zwischen Hoffnung und Verzweiflung verwischten. In den ersten Angriffen waren die Überlebenden unvorbereitet gewesen. Sie hatten nur improvisierte Barrikaden errichtet, die schnell überwunden wurden. In den darauf folgenden Kämpfen lernten sie aus ihren Fehlern und passten sich an. Sie stellten Fallen auf und schufen defensive Positionen, um sich einen Vorteil zu verschaffen. Die Strategie war klar: Jeder war gefordert, jeder musste kämpfen.

89 days ago

Welcome to NEGAN OF GERMANY™ - DayZ Community! 🇩🇪 This is the ultimate German DayZ server for PvP and PvE gameplay. We have designated raid times and purge events, as well as a strict no raid policy. Join us for exciting events and adventures in Chernarus, and make sure to check out our trader shop for all your needs. Plus, we have weed and much more! 🌿 We can't wait to see you, so come and join us! 😊

BleXX | Roleplay discord icon

BleXX | Roleplay


Welcome to BleXX | Roleplay! Are you looking for a new FiveM roleplay server that has something for everyone? If you value realism and good RP, then you've come to the right place! Who are we? I am Momo, one of the co-owners of the server. I have years of RP experience and met our entire server team through RP. We decided that we could create something just as good, if not better, and so BleXX was born. We are still at the beginning of our journey, but we are excited to have anyone join us. We are passionate about what we do and it shows! Information: - 64 Slots (will be expanded as needed) - No whitelist - Organized Discord - Very active server team - Good performance - TS-Saltychat What we offer: - Addon vehicles for everyone - Regular events - Variety of job options - Realistic economy - Great RP and a fantastic community - Lots of leisure activities What you get: - 50k starting money - Friendly players - Good RP What you should bring: - Good mood and enthusiasm - Working microphone - Minimum age of 16+ [Exceptions for maturity] We are looking for: - LSPD employees - LSMD employees - Active players - Factions Join us at BleXX | Roleplay for a great time! For more information:


🔥 Furious City 🔥 | Hosted by FURIOUS CITY A project that caters to the wishes and needs of the community. What to expect from us? - Roleplay - Open entry - Current slots: 64 - TeamSpeak - Mobile with many features and apps - Casino Tablet (Online casino) - Over 500 imported vehicles - Several car dealerships (Imports only) - Individual customization and opportunities for factions - Friendly and accommodating team! - Free faction equipment (until everything is as you want it) - Multi-job system - Government jobs - Civilian jobs - Sales stands of a legal industrial faction - Tuning, car races - Illegal and legal routes - Custom clothing (constantly expanding) - Regular competitions (cars, IC money, special items) - Housing system (set up your apartment and/or house according to your wishes) - Banking system with a functioning economy - Banking system with level function (unlock new craftable items based on level) - Exciting events What we are looking for: - Players who give the project a chance - Team members for various areas - Management for the LSMD (very lucrative) - Illegal factions (concepts must be submitted in the Discord) - Every faction idea will be taken seriously and discussed in detail! What to expect from us starting from 01.12.2022: Christmas event Our Christmas event runs until 31.12.2022! You have the opportunity to open a door in the advent calendar every day and receive great gifts, and it will snow and get very cold! We look forward to seeing you and hopefully seeing you in the city soon!


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