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Privacy Policy

What Data Do We Collect?

DISCODUS collects the following data:

  1. Activity logs on Discodus website
  2. Information provided by Discord API, including email address
  3. Message content inside Discord Servers

How Do We Collect Your Data?

You directly provide Our Company with most of the data we collect. We collect data and process data when you:

  1. Register online for any of our services.
  2. Voluntarily create a server listing, a review, or a response to a review.
  3. Use or view our website via your browser’s cookies.
  4. Use a Discord Server (that uses Discodus bot) without stopping data colection for your profile (delete your profile)

How Will We Use Your Data?

We shall only use private information received for the following purposes:

  1. In order to provide our service.
  2. In order to charge users who use our paid service.
  3. In order to prevent usage violating the terms of use of this service.
  4. In order to gather statistical data on users' usage (in case of collecting such data, data shall be modified in order not to identify an individual).
  5. In order to grasp the usage situation of users and use them for improvement of this service and development of new services.
  6. To deliver information on various membership services and other various services that we offer.

How Do We Store Your Data?

Our Company securely stores only critical and essential data at third party hosting facilities. Our Company will keep your data stored until you explicitly request them to be deleted.

How To Remove Your Data?

You can manage your data at any point in time by accessing your Dashboard here.You can delete a Discord Server and data associated with it by clicking "Delete Server" button from the server settings. You can also delete your profile data at any point in time by clicking "Delete profile" button from your Dashboard.

How Do We Process Message Content?

DISCODUS processes message content under the following conditions:

  • Message Scanning: Messages sent in Discord servers using the Discodus bot may be scanned to identify and remove inappropriate content (e.g., profanity or duplicate messages) to ensure compliance with community guidelines and our terms of service.
  • Storage of Message Content: Discodus does not store the actual content of messages long-term. However, metadata associated with message events, such as the sender's ID, timestamp, and message status (e.g., deleted due to policy violation), may be stored temporarily to help improve service functionality and prevent abuse.
  • User Notification: In cases where a message violates our policies, users may receive a private notification about the deletion of their message. Server administrators may also be informed about the violation.
  • Third-Party Services: Message content is not shared with third-party services for advertising or marketing purposes. However, server activity logs may be processed by hosting providers and security tools used by DISCODUS to maintain service quality and security.

All message-related data processing follows the principle of data minimization, ensuring that only the necessary data is processed and retained for the purposes stated above.

How Do We Process Presence Data?

DISCODUS processes presence data under the following conditions:

  • Presence Scanning: Discodus bot may monitor user presence status (e.g., online, offline, idle, or do not disturb) to facilitate certain features, such as selfbot detection or online member pings. This monitoring is limited to presence-related activities in servers where the bot is active and does not extend beyond those environments.
  • Storage of Presence Data: Discodus does not store long-term records of users' presence status. Temporary data related to presence (e.g., timestamps of status changes or patterns related to suspected policy violations) may be stored for a limited period to improve bot functionality and prevent abuse.
  • User Notification: Users will not receive notifications when their presence data is monitored for normal bot operations. However, in cases where presence monitoring leads to actions like selfbot detection or policy enforcement, server administrators may be informed if relevant.
  • Third-Party Services: Presence data is not shared with third-party services for advertising or marketing purposes. However, presence data may be processed by hosting providers and security tools used by DISCODUS to maintain service quality and safeguard against abuse.

All data processing related to user presence follows the principle of data minimization, ensuring that only the necessary data is processed and retained for the specific purposes outlined above.


We do not distribute your data for marketing purposes.


Cookies are text files placed on your computer to collect standard Internet log information and visitor behavior information. When you visit our website, we may collect information from you automatically through cookies or similar technology. For further information, visit https://allaboutcookies.org.

How Do We Use Cookies?

Our Company uses cookies in a range of ways to improve your experience on our website, including:

  1. Keeping you signed in
  2. Understanding how you use our website

What Types Of Cookies Do We Use?

There are a number of different types of cookies, however, our website uses:

  1. Functionality - DISCODUS uses these cookies so that we recognize your login info on our website and remember your previously selected preferences. These could include what language you prefer. A mix of first-party and third-party cookies are used.
  2. Performance - DISCODUS uses these cookies to improve our services.

Third party cookies

In order to collect information about how visitors use our website and to improve how our services work, we are using Google Analytics, Yandex Metrica and Hotjar on this website.

To opt out of Third Party Cookies, please download an Adblocker or set your browser to "Do not track"

How To Manage Cookies

You can set your browser to not accept cookies, and the above website tells you how to remove cookies from your browser. However, in a few cases, some of our website features may not function as a result.

You can also join our Official Support Discord Server if you need technical help