murder drones: The broken road home Discord Server

We are worker drones..dissasembly drones and solver drones. We had broken free from the shackles of JCJENSON in space. Made peace with the dissasembly drones. (Mostly) Even got a stable economy and city now. For awhile everything was perfect. We where making copper9 into a proper home a better life. Children where born and love bloomed.. Untile the plauge hit. Turns out stacking dead worker drone into massive spired around the planet could cause some.. Rather annoying Ai's to be born.. which just had to be able to raise the dead drones into a army.. Honestly I dont know whats worse. Constant zombie hordes of the dead crashing into our walls or dealing with 3 kids. I almost miss cyn trying to eat the planet. Welp if you want a new start and a new chance at a family come join us..Maybe you can stop the undead and be a hero...Like me! (Probably not die mad k?) ~uzi We offer events and cannon characters..lore and a server that is effected by your actions. Who knows maybe your Even be related to Uzi if your fast enough..unless your afriad of a few dead zombie drones. Your not Scared are ya?

108 days ago

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